Renowned Ghanaian broadcaster, Abeiku Santana, has showered praise on Highlife sensation, Bisa Kdei, for his immense contribution to the high life genre. According to Abeiku, Bisa Kdei deserves accolades for paving the way for modern Highlife musicians, setting a trend that has been emulated by the likes of King Promise, Kuami Eugene, Kofi Kinaata, and King Paluta.

In an interview on Okay FM, Abeiku Santana highlighted Bisa Kdei’s impact on Highlife music, stating that he brought a fresh vibe to the genre, making it relevant again. “Bisa Kdei’s influence on Highlife cannot be overstated,” Abeiku emphasized. “He created a new wave that has been embraced by a new generation of musicians, and that’s a remarkable achievement.”

Abeiku Santana contrasted Bisa Kdei’s era with that of Ofori Amponsah and others, noting that Bisa Kdei’s unique sound and style have inspired a new crop of Highlife musicians. “Bisa Kdei made Highlife cool again, and that’s no small feat,” Abeiku reiterated. “He deserves huge credit for his role in shaping the sound of modern Highlife music in Ghana.”

With his praise, Abeiku Santana has started a conversation about the significance of Bisa Kdei’s contributions to Highlife music, solidifying his status as a pioneer and pathfinder in the genre.