Renowned Ghanaian radio personality and musician, Blakk Rasta, has ignited a heated debate in the music industry with his latest comments about Stonebwoy’s genre classification. In a recent radio show, Blakk Rasta expressed his opinion that Stonebwoy does not qualify as a hip-life artist, citing the artist’s youth during the heyday of the hip-life movement and his focus on dancehall and reggae genres.

Blakk Rasta emphasized that he would only give credit to artists who have made significant contributions to the hip-life genre, implying that Stonebwoy’s work does not meet this criteria.

The controversy has reopened the conversation about genre classification and the evolution of Ghanaian music. While some agree with Blakk Rasta’s assessment, others see it as a dismissal of Stonebwoy’s achievements and contributions to the music industry.