Flowking Stone, a musician and brother of Okyeame Kwame, shared a funny story about his past. He talked about when his brother was dating the famous actress, Nana Ama McBrown.

Flowking Stone said that whenever McBrown came to their house to visit Okyeame Kwame, he would be sent on errands. He would have to go get water for them after they spent a long time indoors.

The story made people laugh on the TV show where Flowking Stone shared it, which has it host as Nana Ama Mcbrown her self. Asamoah Gyan, a soccer player, teased McBrown about it. McBrown was a little embarrassed but also laughed.

She joked with Flowking Stone trying to divert the story, saying, “You didn’t talk about all the food I cooked for you, like palm nut soup. You only talked about my time with your brother”

McBrown also reminded everyone that famous people have feelings and experiences like everyone else.

The story takes us back a long time ago, in 2004, which according to the Flowking Stone, McBrown and his elder brother Okyeame Kwame were in a secret relationship during the days.