Sammy Flex, the manager of Shatta Wale, responded to a tweet from Portfolio, who had earlier commented on Shatta Wale blocking him on social media. Portfolio had expressed his confusion and disappointment, stating that he had always respected Shatta Wale despite promoting Stonebwoy’s Artist of the Year agenda.

Portfolio’s initial tweet says “Well, I don’t know if this is a Twitter mistake or something, but Shatta Wale knows that we have spoken and shared a lot of great moments. I will forever respect him for regardless… Even when I was pushing Stonebwoy’s Artist of the Year agenda, his manager called to recommend me on it… I know Shatta won’t do this without a reason, I would gladly want to know, however, I will never disrespect SM.”

Sammy Flex, in his response, cautioned Portfolio against seeking unnecessary attention. He said: “Don’t follow reaction, be careful it doesn’t eat into you… It wasn’t necessary to send a message to Shatta Wale and myself, Sammy Flex. It’s normal for an artist to block anyone they wish to… The fact that you are telling the whole world Shatta blocked you isn’t necessary because no one knows Shatta has blocked you. This is not news if Shatta blocks you… Don’t think Shatta Wale blocked you because you are close to Stonebwoy, don’t call this attention.”

Sammy Flex’s response suggested that Portfolio’s tweet was unnecessary and attention-seeking. He implied that Shatta Wale’s decision to block Portfolio was not newsworthy and that Portfolio should not have made a public issue out of it.

By responding in this manner, Sammy Flex demonstrated his loyalty and protection towards his artist, Shatta Wale. He effectively shut down Portfolio’s attempt to garner sympathy and attention, reminding him that Shatta Wale’s actions were not unusual and did not warrant a public outcry.