Ghanaian actor and presenter, Kwaku Manu, has been making headlines recently following his ex-wife’s marriage to a foreign national. In response to his announcement of seeking a new life partner, his fellow actor Oboy Siki has offered some words of caution.

According to Oboy Siki, Kwaku Manu should prioritize finding a woman whose physical beauty surpasses that of Diane Okailey Nyarko, his ex-wife. This advice comes as a warning, citing the scrutiny of social media users who will undoubtedly compare the two women.

Oboy Siki emphasized that the general public has taken a keen interest in Kwaku Manu’s personal life, and therefore, he must ensure that his new partner meets certain standards to avoid public ridicule.

Kwaku Manu’s marital plans remain a topic of interest among fans and critics alike, as he navigates this new chapter in his life. Only time will tell if he will heed Oboy Siki’s advice and make a choice that will appease the watching public.