Renowned Ghanaian actor Clement Bonney, affectionately known as ‘Mr. Beautiful,’ has sparked a lively debate with his candid thoughts on polygamy. In a recent interview with Property FM in Cape Coast, he revealed that he believes polygamy is often misunderstood by those struggling financially.

According to Mr. Beautiful, “Having multiple wives is a blessing, but only if you have the means to support them. When you’re wealthy, you can provide for your wives and children, and it becomes a joyful experience. However, if you’re poor, it’s a burden.”

He further emphasized, “If you don’t have money, you’ll see polygamy as a pointless issue. You’ll think, ‘Why would anyone want multiple wives?’ But when you’re rich, you’ll realize that it’s actually enjoyable to have multiple partners.”

Mr. Beautiful’s comments have ignited a heated discussion, with some agreeing that financial stability is crucial for successful polygamous relationships, while others argue that polygamy is inherently problematic, regardless of wealth.