Ernest Ofori Osei, son of renowned business magnate Osei Kwame Despite, marked a significant milestone in his academic journey by graduating from Ashesi University. The 20th Commencement ceremony, held on August 24, 2024, at the university’s Berekuso campus, saw Ernest receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration.

As he walked up the stage to receive his certificate, Ernest exuded a sense of pride and accomplishment. Clad in a tuxedo and academic gown, he accepted the honor with a reserved smile, shaking hands with the university’s president, Patrick Awuah.

The moment was captured in a video that has since gone viral, sparking an outpouring of congratulations for Ernest and his fellow graduands. This achievement is a testament to Ernest’s hard work and dedication, building on his previous accomplishments at Tema International School (TIS), where he completed his studies in 2020.

Osei Kwame Despite, known for his business acumen and philanthropic efforts, must be beaming with pride as his son takes another step towards making a name for himself in the business world. As Ernest embarks on this new chapter, he carries the legacy of his family’s entrepreneurial spirit and the well-wishes of many who have witnessed his growth.